Movie Title: "Autopsy" (2008)
Writers: Adam Gierasch, Jace Anderson & E.L. Katz
Director: Adam Gierasch
This is the first movie I have ever seen which made me feel physically sick, and it wasn't just the gore, but the obscenely bad acting as well. The "movie" opens up with a photo and video montage of the main cast drinking alcohol and partying which never seems to end, and has no relevance to the movie itself. On their way home from this party, they suddenly crash. They appear to be in the middle of nowhere, and spend several minutes whining, crying and arguing before suddenly a hand appears from underneath the car; that of a man they apparently ran over without noticing. An ambulance appears out of the ether, and they all hop in without a suspicious thought for this "coincidence". As the movie goes on, the hospital's deranged Dr Benway leads them on a horribly acted, gory adventure involving the loss of brains, feet, and even a liver which is plucked cleanly out of someone's abdomen. The plot is very hard to find in this movie between all the pointless blood and guts, but apparently all the "surgery" is in the name of saving Dr Benway's cancerous wife, who looks well on her way to becoming a zombie, although she still has a full head of luscious blond hair, of course. There are no twists and turns in this film; from the moment you see the tattooed ambulance staff, creepy nurse and empty hospital you can guess the ending quite accurately. There isn't much of a script to help balance it out, either. Aside from the whiny repetition of "I have to find my boyfriend" which seem to make up the majority of the lead actress' (Jessica Lowndes) script, nothing much is said by anybody except the nurse, who simply repeats herself in her urges for them all to follow to doctor's orders, and the ambulance workers, who complain about everything and anything they can.
There is nothing to save this movie; the script is uneventful, the filming is nothing special (with one explosion looking more animated than "Shrek"), the acting is barely even worthy of comparison with "The Bold And The Beautiful", and the ending isn't an ending at all; the movie just stops for no apparent reason, although it certainly made me glad to know there wasn't any of it left.
If you can avoid it, save yourself, and DO NOT see "Autopsy".
This movie scores a huge 0/10 from me.
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