Friday, April 29, 2011

I cringed so hard I had to laugh...

Movie Title: "The Room"
Director: Tommy Wiseau
Lead "actor": Tommy Wiseau
Writer: Tommy Wiseau
Producer: Tommy Wiseau
Co-Producer: Tommy Wiseau

I am struggling to find words which could aptly describe this movie. Made by a man who sold raincoats full of cocain in Korea to raise enough money to make it, "The Room" is the shoddiest, worst-written, most cringe-worthy, throw-things-at-the-screen (we literally did, they were spoons, you shall understand) worthy, yet funniest movie I have ever seen. Reading this, you won't even be able to comprehend how ridiculous the script is, but after you've seen it, "Oh hai danny!" will become a sentence enough to send you into hysterics. There are only two characters in the film who seem to have any grip on reality, but in the second half of the film you'll be struggling to find one of them because the original actor walked out, and Tommy Wiseau made no conceivable attempt to find a similar looking replacement. With too many incredibly distasteful sex scenes between Lisa and whichever man she happens to be in the room with at the time, you may need to bring a bucket if you have a weak stomach. I feel I should also mention that as director, lead actor, producer and co-producer, Tommy Wiseau didn't have the energy to successfully speak his lines during filming, so he has dubbed his voice over the top of his character Johhny in the film. He doesn't appear to be very good at dubbing. I don't really think there's anything else I can say about this, you really do have to see it to believe it. "But that's confidential. Anyway, how's your sex life?"

"The Room" scores both a -10 and a 10 from me. It just doesn't fit anywhere in between.

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