Movie Title: "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One" (2010)
Director: David Yates
Writer: Steve Kloves (screenplay), J.K. Rowling (novel)
This movie surpassed all of my expectations. Despite knowing that the director had changed, again, I did not have high hopes for the quality of this movie (by themselves, the previous movies have been relatively good, but as someone who has read the entire series multiple times I could not handle the inaccuracies and bad changes to the storyline that have been in every other movie), but David Yates proved me wrong. The script followed that of the novel closer than in any previous movie, and the only things which were changed were trivial things that did not directly affect any important aspect of the storyline. The quality of the acting has also improved greatly, with Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson's ability growing in each movie.
The film starts in a very sad tone, playing quiet music while showing the Dursley's leaving forever and Hermione saying goodbye to her family as she wipes their memories. From here on it plays out almost exactly as the novel does, and Yates picked out the perfect place to end this half of the film, setting the second half up for a very dramatic beginning.
With a short but sweet cameo from Bill Nighy, as Rufus Scrimgeour, I felt this movie has everything I was looking for. It seems the film-version of the Harry Potter series has finally been saved!
I give this a 9/10!
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